
Errors Occured!

For all furniture relocations and replacements, please submit request under the Concierge Services Tab.
e.g. Please find my request to do something that requires P&F assistance, i.e. refurbish my office / floor, change a workstation, re-purpose a meeting room to workstations.
Insert a description of the need for change from current arrangements.
Are current arrangements in poor condition, crowded or unsafe?
What are the key reasons for a change to be made.

If available, please estimate the:
Due date for the request, this would generally coincide with timing of the project to meet ACU business needs

Please confirm that this request has the support of an appointed senior member of staff including the name of the relevant person, staff.
Provide details of any options or the problem with doing nothing.
Please attach any additional plans, sketches or drawings that might assist by adding attachments using the browser dialogue box below.
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This application is for ACU owned properties only.
(00000 - E)
(i.e. School of Exercise Science)
(School / Business Unit Head or Delegate)
(To assist security with creating your access privileges, please nominate a fellow work colleague who currently has the same access rights as the request being placed for your card. This will enable security to quickly place you in the same user group)
Attach Photo

Have you uploaded the staff members photo that is requiring a new access card to the CaptureMe function?

Do you acknowledge that the next form will be submitted to security and a delay may incur pending the addition of the requested staff member's photo to CaptureMe?
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